Upcoming Events

Miles for Moms is a fundraiser benefitting families in and around Paulding County through the programs provided by Paulding Pregnancy Services.  Funds raised help cover the Earn While You Learn program which also includes Dad Bootcamps and Car Seat Safety services, where families get support and material items for their growing family. This Official Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Qualifier 5K will begin and end in the parking lot of Fortified Hills Baptist Church at 8:00am. Runners will enjoy making a scenic rolling loop on Old Dallas Road, Holland Road, Cook Road, and Brinkley Road. Not a runner? No problem! Be a phantom sponsor to support Paulding Pregnancy Services and the families it serves and still get the t-shirt! For more information about awards, route, logistics and how to register click the button below or go to www.ppsmilesformoms.com.

Saturday, May 17, 2025
8:00am shotgun start

Event location: 4705 E Paulding Drive, Dallas GA 30157
Questions? Email christy@pauldingpregnancy.com

Sign up before Friday, April 18 to guarantee you get a t-shirt.
Becoming a sponsor for our annual Miles for Moms 5K means you care about families in our community. Paulding Pregnancy Services has been serving the community since 1999 and has helped thousands of women, men, and children in and around Paulding County.

Just in the last year, 1343 client care sessions were provided. These included over 550 prenatal and parenting classes, over 5700 maternity and baby items such as clothes, diapers, cribs, and car seats. For our medical services, 267 ultrasounds, 413 pregnancy tests and nurse consultations were provided. Out of pocket costs to families for these services at their local doctor would be over $1000.

Miles for Moms 5K offers a unique opportunity to show that you support something you care about. It also provides an opportunity to grow your business with exposure through the event and face-to-face engagement with the community.
Baby Bottle Fundraiser

You raised $57,842.25 this year during the Baby Bottle Fundraiser! Thank you! Your financial gifts will help moms experiencing unplanned pregnancies in and around Paulding County receive life-affirming services all at no cost to them.

PPS is committed to serving families, saving lives, and improving futures. Doing so will impact our communities to embrace life. We share the unwavering truth of abundant life by assisting, educating, and bringing hope to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.

Change lives, and you change the future. Change the future, and you change the world.
Gifts / Good Times / Photos with Santa
Every child deserves to experience the joy of Christmas. By sponsoring Santa’s Sleigh of Support, you gave the gift for 11 families to share their wishes with Santa, enjoy sweet treats, and get a present the whole family will love.

Thank you again to all of our Sponsors! It's an honor to serve these families together.